Children’s Ancestor Candle || FREE PRINTABLE


Samhain is approaching and sometimes the kiddos like to get involved in the celebrations. Instead of letting the children walk around the home carrying an open flame, why not do arts and crafts instead?

Have your child color in the candle using whatever color correspondences are important to you. Take the opportunity to talk with them about ancestors, Samhain, and why it’s important for you to celebrate or honor them. Then cut out the candle and use it in your Samhain celebrations!

tealight candle on human palms
Photo by Dhivakaran S on

A few ideas for this include…

  • placing the candle on an ancestor altar
  • walking around the home with the candle to light the way for Samhain
  • placing the candle in the window as a beacon for the Spirits that pass by

Let me know how you use this ancestor candle for your kiddos!

Click here to download the PDF!

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